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Donghun Kim's Research Page

KIST scenery by S. Hong

A strategy to minimize voltage loss in solar cells

Quantum-dot solar cells have suffered from a substantial loss of photovoltage.
We develop a bilayered hole-transport layer, which enables the VOC loss of 450mV, one of the lowest in literature to date.

Ferroelectrics that strongly separate electrons and holes

We elucidate the origin of the exceptional photoresponses in Bi2FeCrO6-based solar cells.
With the understanding, we suggest novel ferroelectics that likely outperform the state-of-the-art.

Defects as primary sources of Stokes shift in quantum dots

We identified intrinsic defects responsible for the excessive Stokes shift in PbS quantum dots
The understanding potentially reduces the open-circuit voltage loss in QD-PVs.

New material space for catalysts?

A huge material space of NPs composed of immiscible elements has been generally disregarded for catalyst development.
We find that this hitherto underutilized space, in fact, contains many good catalyst materials.

Topological data analysis unveils water's structures

We use a combined approach of molecular dynamics simulations and topological data analysis
to distingiush water's structures in amorphous solids and liquid form.


  • We are the research team led by Dr. Donghun Kim, rooted at Computational Science Research Center of KIST, Korea. We are intereseted in establishing large/systematic database and using AI techniques (빅데이터/인공지능) in materials science and engineering, ultimately aiming to maximize the efficiency of material development process. Research projects of current investigation can be summarized as below.

  • Data/AI-driven design of energy and environmental materials (catalysis and solar cells)

    AI-based material characterization (X-ray CT, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy)

    Robotics/AI-based autonomous material developments (catalysis, display)
    -AI스마트연구실사업 (과기부)

    Natural language processing for data extractions in materials science literature
    -소재연구데이터사업 (과기부)

Open Positions

  • We currently have 2 open positions for PhD students or postdocs with the background in materials science, computer science and other related fields. If interested in joining us, please contact Dr. Donghun Kim directly.

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