Our work to improve photovoltage in QD solar cells is published as a front cover article in Adv. Energy Mater. The work is featured in 연합뉴스 and 8 more. 2019.11.28
We are selected for a research grant from Samsung Electronics (삼성미래기술육성사업) to develop a AI-based tool to predict material fracture behavior. Our selection was featured in 국민일보, 연합뉴스, 동아일보 and 73 more.2019.10.07
The work of searching for novel ferroelectrics for enhanced photoresponses in solar cells is published in Proc Natl Acad Sci (PNAS). The work is featured in 뉴스웍스, 대덕넷 (헬로디디). 2018.06.11
The work of elucidating origins of Stokes shift of PbS quantum dots (in collaboration with prof. Grossman @ MIT) is published in ACS Nano. The work is featured in Advances in Engineering, 동아사이언스, 디지털타임즈, 조선비즈 and 10 more. 2018.03.07
The work of ligand-induced band-edge manipulations in PbS quantum dots is published in ACS Nano. The work is featured in MIT News and Nanowerk News. 2014.05.13
The work demonstrating the impact of stoichiometry on the electronic structure of PbS quantum dots is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. The work is featured in MIT News. 2013.05.10